Home Events Abumet to storm Abuja show with automatic doors

Abumet to storm Abuja show with automatic doors


Leading provider of aluminium and glass solutions Abumet Nigeria Ltd is among the horde of exhibitors at this year’s Abuja Housing Show starting on Monday 16th July, 2018 at the International Conference Centre, Abuja.

The company’s Technical Manager and Commercial Manager told Viewpoint Housing News that automatic doors, windows, curtain walls and glass solution services will be showcased at the event.

According to the managers, Abumet Nigeria Ltd will organise trips to its factory for interested participants at the show to see their production lines of high quality products.

“Shuttle from the event centre will be provided to convey you comfortably there and back,” the managers stated.

The 12th Abuja Housing Show is annual gathering of stakeholders in the housing sector where producers of building materials showcase their goods and services.



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