Home Events ARCON releases 2020 events time-table

ARCON releases 2020 events time-table


Professional Competency Evaluation applications to close Jan. 31

By Ene Abu

Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON) has released time-table for its events in 2020 setting January 31, 2020 as deadline for submission of applications for Architects Professional Competency Evaluation (APCE) and Architects Regularisation Programme (ARP).

The 2020 programme of events signed by the Registrar of ARCON, Arc. Umar Murnai and made available to Viewpoint Housing News shows that there will be Notice of Eligibility to all qualified candidates for the above programmes on February 21, 2020.

Other events are: Portfolio submission 20th March, 2020; Portfolio Assessment 25–28 March, 2020; CBT & Orals 6-9 April, 2020.

According to the registrar, there will be “Advertisement for the April 2020 Architects Professional Competency Evaluation (APCE) and Architects Regularisation Programme (ARP) [on] 15 June, 2020; Deadline for submission of applications 10th July, 2020; Notice of eligibility to all qualified candidates 27 July, 2020; Portfolio submission 27 August, 2020; Portfolio Assessment 9–12 September, 2020; CBT & Orals 21-24 September 2020.”

He warned, “Candidates wishing to apply for the September 2020 diet are advised to be provisionally registered before applying for same.”

Murnai said the programmes are designed to re-engineer the profession of Architecture and raise the standard of training.

ARCON was set up in 1969 to determine what standards of knowledge and skill are to be attained by persons seeking to become members of the Architectural profession and raising those standards from time to time as circumstances may permit in all its ramifications by the Architects (Registration, Etc) Act A19 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004. 


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