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Difficult to Hope for Housing Growth Under Policy Making and Implementation

Our Stand (44) —

During crisis periods, the home become more important even most of these houses are not convenient for living. That explains the incomparable importance of the provision of decent shelter in our communities  A home entails security, protection even when comfort which is one of the priorities for a decent living might not be enjoyed.  it represents refuge from danger.

Also read: How FMBN is Leveraging Affordable Housing Delivery to Boost Social Inclusion

However, for the majority of our population, they have never had a taste of a decent home and environment. This goes a huge length in having a massive bearing on their thoughts.

Building decent affordable is a mandate that can elevate, promote the legitimacy of a ruling government. Legitimacy improves recognition of an authority and a wise leadership should understand that when you create a shelters for households and improve their environments, you’ve left legacies in their hearts and even generations to follow. Therefore, housing is a top priority for any society that aims towards personal and communal growth. 

Read more: FMBN Committed to Increasing Affordable Housing Delivery to Nigerians 

Till date, there still exists huge difference in human classes in our communities. A place like the Nigerian environment is mostly dominated by urban migrators and have majority of residents in slums. It is hugely difficult to hope for growth under this circumstances where we are poor in policy making and implementation.

What can be said of families living in a single room that are closely built to each other? It is terrible without been told or having a look. What if one is living in an environment where kitchen and other domestic amenities are shared with other households? What about the health complications of those living in slum environments?

Housing conditions in the country that can be so badly exposed during epidemics and pandemics will show more inequalities in our system that has continually found it difficult to combat housing problems for years when crisis erupts. 

Additional read: Our Stand(37): Nigeria needs consistency in housing policy and implementation

If the governments had  prioritize housing like it did during campaign in 2015, as a catalyst for economic growth, it would have been accepted by the majority and many in the country would not have been faced with living difficulties. If the citizens were provided with affordable homes, it would have lifted a good percentage of burden on many families, thereby, channeling resources to other vital areas of operating a home. Few or none will be protesting against bad governance.


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