Home Environment Dirty environments are threats to the lives of Nigerians

Dirty environments are threats to the lives of Nigerians


By jummai Abu

An untidy environment is a problem to the society and is becoming a threat to the lives of its inhabitants, our surroundings whether public or private are supposed to be kept tidy. Living a good, hygienic and healthy life, is a top priority. It keeps the mind and soul functioning properly in the daily affairs of man. Good health is the bedrock of the growth and development of a man; it affects his mental, physical and emotional state.

An unkept environment are sore sights to behold and if it is what the mind keeps seeing every day, it gets accustomed to it, it somehow becomes part of his norms because, that is what the mind has been trained to see. It is said that what the five senses of a man beholds, have a huge influence on his mind.

Relating untidy surroundings to some estates in Nigeria’s capital, Abuja, some parts of the city especially suburbs like like Nyanya, Karu, Jikwoyi, Durumi, Deidei, Kubwa, Gwagalada, Lugbe village and some other parts have areas where people dump refuse both in the open and secret. Some of these refuse dumps are even on some major roads close to the road and aside from being an eye sore to passers-by, it causes air pollution.

This is what not just the government need to pay attention to but, the masses. Some garbage trucks usually provided by the government for refuse, dirt to be dumped inside are allowed to get filled to the brim and even overflow before it is picked by waste disposal agencies.

This is something that is not supposed to be allowed to get filled to the fullest and when left to be overflowed, becomes not pleasant in the eyes, causing the entire environment to be air polluted. Secondly, the masses need to be given orientation; they should be educated on what it takes to be conscious of having a hygienic or healthy environment and the importance of keeping a tidy surrounding.

It takes common sense for waste disposal agencies to be prompt in disposing wastes that are almost getting to the mouth top of a garbage truck instead of allowing the truck to get spilled out with waste. Also, it takes common sense for the people whom garbage trucks have been provided for, to stop dumping waste in or on it, when it is filled already. If everyone will play their parts in upholding a healthy environment, our communities will be better places to live in.    

The government need to take more actions by providing more than two garbage trucks for a particular environment or making provisions of a good number of medium sized trash containers at the front of every homes in every street, ensuring prompt disposal of each, once it is getting filled to the top.

This will ensure serene environments, carrying a feeling of pure fresh air needed as air pollution is a bad effect on humans. We should protect our surroundings for the sake of our health; a healthy nation as we know is a wealthy nation.


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